The Digitization of the Battlefield
With the increasing digitization of the battlefield, commercial off-the-shelf tablets have become critical tools. These handheld devices are a great alternative to heavier, more power-consuming devices. The durability and long battery life of these tablets ensure that they can be used over long periods of time. They also have good readability in a variety of different environments and strong processing power.
To reduce error and risk, screens and devices that military crew use in the field must meet NVIS compliance to MIL-STD-3009. MIL-STD-3009 is the current DoD specification standard for aircraft lighting and NVIS compliance. For various NVIS cockpit lighting and information display equipment, it details acceptable color parameters and NVIS radiance limits. Two methods are used to manage lighting from devices: Night Vision Imaging (NVIS) Filters and LED Dimming.
The Risks Associated With LED Dimming
There are several risks to using LED Dimming as opposed to NVIS filters on carry-on devices being used during NVG operation in the cockpit. With LED dimming, the screen brightness can become so low that human operators are unable to render images effectively. The lack of grayscale rendering detail can make it difficult for operators to distinguish features, symbology, and color rendering of on-screen objects. If dimming isn’t sufficient, it can also cause whiting out, blooming, and halo effects. Additionally, the low brightness contrasts with brighter devices, so further rapid eye adaptation is necessary. The challenges posed by using LED dimming compromise situational awareness and mission success.

The Solution: Cevians iSafeNight
Cevians iSafeNight is the industry’s solution for making tablets and other military devices NVIS-compatible. iSafeNight is compatible with COTS tablets, monitors, and phones, including products made by Apple, Samsung, Panasonic, Microsoft, and Getac, as well as any other device with a screen. In contrast with the method of LED Dimming, properly filtered displays meet the NVIS Radiance Class B (NRb) requirements of MIL-STD-3009 and provide an effective brightness of 0.5fl, allowing for the perceivable shades of gray and the ability to resolve imagery details. Additionally, with a filter, you can avoid the whiting out, blooming, or halo effects caused by LED Dimming.
The iSafeNight is touchscreen-compatible, offers high abrasion and impact resistance, and is ruggedized for use in a wide range of temperatures. The removable filters are also washable and reusable. In addition, the filters come with a self-wetting feature for easy cleaning. Cevians develops custom mounting features and cases for military users, air and ground, to make installation and removal of filters efficient and simple. iSafeNight filters offer an efficient and reliable solution to ensure display systems are in NVIS compliance with MIL-STD-3009.